Employee Details

Employees Introduction

The Employees Details pages provide information about state employee’s position data. As you browse the Employee pages, you will be able to the view salary information about the employees of the State of New Mexico by their Name, Position, Organization, Date Hired, Status, and Salary. For positions that are vacant, the Position Mid-Point will be provided until the position is filled. The employee names are provided for both classified and exempt employees. The Status information indicates whether the position is either vacant or filled. When the position is vacant, the position mid-point salary is displayed.

The user can use the drill-down capability of this site by selecting the branch of government or all employees. After selecting the branch (e.g. executive) you can drill down to the next two organizational levels (e.g. department and positions); however, this is not an organization chart.

The data presented is extracted from the New Mexico’s financial system SHARE, (Statewide Human Resources, Accounting, and Management Reporting System). All gross pay information is based on a calendar year, which runs from January 1 through December 31 each year.


Departments – Describes each of the governmental units under the purview of the State of New Mexico that are required by statute to participate in the transparency initiative.

Organization – Defines the manner a department is organized functionally, starting at the top level and drilling down to lower levels. Each department defines its own organizational structure. For example, for the State of New Mexico organization, the highest level of organization is represented by its departments. The second level of organization is represented by the employees.

Classified Employee – All employees of the State holding positions not classified as exempt and covered by the Personnel Act, 10-9-1, NMSA 1978.

Exempt Employee – Employees appointed by the governor, directors of department or agency divisions, employees of the governor’s office, positions in the state militia and the commissioned officers of the New Mexico State Police Division of the Department of Public Safety, department secretaries, and employees in policy making positions.

Pay Band – for the classified service this represents the range of pay rates, from the minimum to the maximum for a position. Each pay band contains a minimum, midpoint, and maximum value. The pay band width for each position is 78%. The maximum value of the pay band is approximately 78% greater than the minimum value of the pay band. The pay system for exempt employees is established and administered by the Department of Finance and Administration in accordance with the Personnel Act, § 10-9-5 NMSA 1978, further definition of this system may be found on the their website.

Compa-Ratio – An expression used to identify an employee’s position within a pay band relative to the midpoint (expressed as a percentage of midpoint).

Position Mid-Point Salary – The midpoint in the pay band for the position. The midpoint represents a compa-ratio value of 1.00 or 100%. The classified service also refers to mid-point as “job worth”. Position – A position is a unique set of duties, authorities and responsibilities that is tied to a classification title used by the state. Classification Title – means a job in the classified service that is occupationally and quantifiably distinct and is adopted by the State Personnel Board.


The Employee information has been updated as of 2023 and reflects employee payroll data from the last pay period cycle, as of July 2023.
For a complete view of pay periods follow the link to State Personnel Office’s website.

Please note that the data contained on the Employees Details page is raw, unaudited, and unconsolidated data and therefore will not agree to any audited or printed financial statements. The Employees Details page displays data that is routinely updated, at a minimum on a monthly basis, and represents the most-recent update. Since data is uploaded during the year, these transactions will not be audited. During the year, more and more transactions will be loaded to the Employees Details page, including correcting adjustments which may reverse or change the effect of previous data. The original entry is not modified on the Employees Details page but both the original and subsequent correcting adjustments will be included.

Only the State of New Mexico government data is included on the Budget Details page. Information contained on the Budget Details page is extracted from SHARE (Statewide Human Resources, Accounting, and Management Reporting System). Information from organizations not utilizing SHARE is not available on this page. The following departments are not included on the Budget Details page: New Mexico Finance Authority, New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority, New Mexico Computing Applications Center, Inc., New Mexico Lottery Authority, New Mexico State Fair, New Mexico Beef Council, Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission, New Mexico Deferred Compensation Plan (IRC 457), New Mexico Education Trust Board (529 Higher Education Savings Plan), and the ten constitutional created universities. The ten universities created by the Constitution of the State of New Mexico in Article XII, Section 11 are the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, Eastern New Mexico University, Western New Mexico University, New Mexico Highlands University, Northern New Mexico College, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, New Mexico Military Institute, New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped, and the New Mexico School for the Deaf.

By law, under the Inspection of Public Records Act, every person has the right to inspect public records of the State of New Mexico. The act also makes compliance with requests to inspect public records an integral part of the routine duties of the officers and employees of the State of New Mexico. This website does not contain information that is considered private or protected by state or federal law. While all of the information contained on this site is an open record, there may be additional public records available regarding this data. Additional records can be obtained by making a public records request to the appropriate records custodian(s) in the agency that possesses the documents in accordance with the law.

Contact Info
Personnel Information & Media Inquiries and Requests for Public Records
New Mexico State Personnel
2600 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: (505) 476-7759
Fax: (505) 476-7806

Expenditure Data
Department of Finance and Administration
Financial Control Division
Bataan Memorial Building, Suite 166
407 Galisteo Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505) 827-3681
Fax: (505) 827-3692

Media Inquiries and Requests
For Public Records regarding
Legislative Agencies

Legislative Council Service
411 State Capitol
490 Old Santa Fe Trail
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 986-4600

Legislative Finance Committee
325 Don Gaspar – Suite 101
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
(505) 986-4550

Legislative Education Study Committee
State Capitol North, 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 200
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 986-4591